Dinsdag 12 Oktober 2021

Explain forex trading account format and names in it

Explain forex trading account format and names in it

explain forex trading account format and names in it

By the by, speaking of the trading system design Let's dwell on the issue in more detail. #4. Trading system design. The stock market is a specific area, one wrong move here can lead to failure. The following factors should be taken into account when designing interfaces 25/08/ · Every developer wants to be able to write code faster, and being able to code faster and effective is not some kind of special ability that only a few people are born with. It's a skill that can be learned by every coder, regardless of years of experience on the keyboard 06/07/ · EET - Eastern European Time used by majority of brokers. It allows to fit divide trading week into 5 hours cadles. In this case you should leave the setting at "0". But if your broker uses any other time in the terminal change this setting. For example if your broker uses GMT time set "-3" or "-2" depending on DST. - Symbol Names

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For more information, refer to Global Symbol Settings. You have the ability to set the Days to LoadIntraday Bar Periodand the Graph Draw Type to default settings when you open a new chart.

For more information refer to the Save Days to Load, Intraday Bar Period, Graph Draw Type as Default setting. Intraday and Historical Daily or higher timeframe per bar charts use different data files, so when you change between an Intraday and Historical type of chart, this date range will change.

The Sierra Chart Time Zone setting may adjust these displayed dates by one day. All data in the chart data file is time stamped to GMT time and the Sierra Chart Time Zone setting adjusts the timestamps to the selected time zone.

When you set it to an earlier date and press OKyou will be prompted to download additional historical Intraday data. There is no guarantee that earlier data will be available though. Therefore, after the data is attempted to be downloaded, the From date may not display the date you specified and can change back to what it was previously.

This is a likely condition if you have used a date which clearly is not available. In the case of a futures contract, to get additional historical data during the time that other futures contracts for the same underlying market were active, requires that you explain forex trading account format and names in it the Continuous Futures Contract feature instead of altering the From date. To try to get more historical data for Historical Daily charts, refer to help topic 6.

In the case of a Historical Daily chart, all data available from the server was downloaded when the chart data file was originally created, so generally you cannot download data earlier than the date shown here. In the case of a Continuous Futures Contract chart, explain forex trading account format and names in it, the Date Range in File is for the current symbol of the chart and not the historical futures contracts symbols loaded in the chart.

That setting is the maximum number of historical Intraday days to download when a download is done for an empty Intraday chart data file. This setting controls the maximum number of days to load into the chart and display. The number of days you enter also needs to include weekends and holidays. For example, if you enter 2, then on Monday you will see Sunday and Monday's data.

For faster data loading and calculations, use a small number. Usually you will need to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the chart to scroll back and actually see all of the data that is loaded into the chart. In the case of futures charts, to get more historical data which spans multiple futures contracts which is necessary for a properly displayed chart, requires that you use the Continuous Futures Contract feature and not only increase the Days to Load setting.

Both have to be done. Data in a chart is never automatically reduced as bars are added to the chart in real-time or during a chart replayto maintain the number of days in the chart which matches the Days to Load setting.

Therefore, the Days to Load setting can and will get exceeded over time, explain forex trading account format and names in it. There is no way to overcome this. This is normal operating behavior and is how charts are designed and is not changeable.

You will also notice that when the amount of data in a chart is reduced, there is going to explain forex trading account format and names in it a corresponding reduction of memory use by Sierra Chart.

In the case of Intraday charts, when historical data is being downloaded into the explain forex trading account format and names in it, then additional data will be loaded into the chart beyond what was initially loaded from the local data file on your system.

Therefore, the Days to Load setting will get exceeded. This setting does not control how many days of data are downloaded from the remote data service. In the case of Historical Daily data, all historical Daily data available is downloaded from the data service.

By default, historical market depth data is only loaded for the last 10 days of data in an Intraday chart if there is historical market depth data available for those explain forex trading account format and names in it. This setting primarily applies to the Market Depth Historical Graph study. The number of market depth days to load, cannot be larger than the number of Days to Load in the chart.

The additional days of market depth data will not get loaded in the chart in this case. When this option is enabled, then the Days to Load setting is automatically adjusted to be proportional with the Intraday Bar Period. For example, if the chart is set to load 30 days of data, the chart bars are currently set to 1 minute bars, this option is enabled and you change to 5 minute bars, then the Days to Load setting will be adjusted to days.

Adjustments to Days to Load will also be made when working with Number of Trades, Volume, Range, Reversal, Renko, explain forex trading account format and names in it, Delta Volume, Price Change, Explain forex trading account format and names in it and Figure Bars. To use these settings, enable the Use Date Range radio button. Otherwise, these controls will be disabled. The From and To settings specify the First and Last dates of data to load into the chart from the data file.

Normally the To field will be blank and should be blank because it means load until the last date available. If the From field is left blank, then this implies that the first date available in the data file will be loaded into the chart.

If the To field is left blank, than this implies that the last date available in the data file will be loaded into the chart. These settings are useful to look at days in an Intraday chart data file that go back a significant amount of time, without having to load all the data up to the current Date. Price Display Format sets the format to use for the display of price values for the main price graph in the chart. When there is a study which replaces the main price graph, then this setting has no effect unless the Value Format of the study is set to Inherited.

This setting has no effect on the internal precision of the data which is used in study calculations. If this option is enabled, then it is necessary to disable it in order to be able to manually change the Price Display Format setting. Not all Data and Trading services support providing Price Display Format data for a symbol. The Tick Size setting for a chart is the minimum value that a symbol moves by. Although depending upon how the data feed quotes prices, this could be different depending upon the symbol.

US stocks typically have a tick size of. Set this setting to the tick size for the symbol of the chart. This setting is used for the trading functions, by some studies, scaling, and various charting related features. This is a critical setting that needs to be correct. If this option is enabled, then it is necessary to disable it in order to be able to manually change the Tick Size setting, explain forex trading account format and names in it.

Not all Data and Trading services support providing Tick Size data for a symbol. It is not recommended to change the Tick Size unless you know what you are doing. However, you can change this to meet special requirements explain forex trading account format and names in it you have.

Using a different Tick Size does affect Studies and Drawing Tools dependent on the Tick Size. If you change the Tick Sizeyou also need to change the Price Display Format and Currency Value per Tick settings to correspond to the new tick size. Refer to Global Symbol Settings. After changing the Tick Size on a Trade DOM, you may want to use the Auto Scale the Chart DOM command, explain forex trading account format and names in it.

The Tick Size can be automatically set from the defined Global Symbol Settings for the symbol. To do this, press the Apply Global Symbol Settings button on the Chart Settings window. Not all Data and Trading services support providing data for these settings. Some settings may be automatically set and some settings may remain at the default. The Volume at Price Multiplier is used for Volume at Price VAP data. This data is explain forex trading account format and names in it by the Volume by Price study, TPO Profile Chart study, Numbers Bars study, Volume Value Area Lines study, TPO Value Area Lines study, and other studies which require this type of data.

When using these studies, normally Sierra Chart will maintain Volume data for each price level for each bar in the chart, explain forex trading account format and names in it. Each price level is based upon the Tick Size setting. When this multiplier is set to 1, there will be separate volume data for each tick within a bar. This potentially can consume a lot of memory. If you increase the VAP Multiplier, then prices are grouped together, to save memory. The resolution will be lower.

For example, if VAP Multiplier is set to 2, the Tick Size is 1, then the prices and are grouped together, into the price level. There will be no separate price level.

A VAP Multiplier setting of 10 would mean that the Tick Size is multiplied by 10 and prices are group together into this multiple. This feature is used to save memory when using Historical Daily charts where high precision is not necessary.

If you use a setting of 2, then you would want to set Ticks per Volume Bar in the Volume by Price study to 2 as well, although this happens automatically. This text box contains the symbol of the chart. You can press the Find button beside it to select a different symbol. This is an optional Symbol setting which can be used to place a trade for a different symbol than what is displayed in the chart and update the current Quote data in the chart with this symbol.

This option applies to the Trade and Current Quote Symbol box, and determines if the symbol entered in the Trade and Current Quote Symbol is to be used for Market Depth data, Bid and Ask data, the Current Quote Window, and for Trading, or if the symbol entered is only to be used for Trading. When this option is not selected, then the symbol entered in the Trade and Current Quote Symbol box will be used for Market Depth Data, Bid and Ask Data, the Current Quote Window, and for Trading.

When this option is selected, explain forex trading account format and names in it, then the symbol entered in the Trade and Current Quote Symbol box will only be used for trading purposes. If the symbol used for Trading is different than the symbol of the chart data file, then enter this Trading symbol in this box. This setting does not affect the data used for chart bars themselves.

The chart bars are always from the data in the chart data file specified by the main Symbol setting of the chart. If the option for Use as Trade Only Symbol is selected, then the Market Depth Data, Bid and Ask data, and Current Quote Window will reflect the main Symbol setting and not the symbol specified in the Trade and Current Quote Symbol box.

For details about how this works, refer to Use Non-Chart Data from Remote Instances. When setting a Trade and Current Quote Symbol and the option for Use As Trade Symbol Only is not checked, the last trade price box on the right side price scale, uses the data from the Trade and Current Quote Symbol and not from the last trade price marked on the last price bar.

When setting a Trade and Current Quote Symbol and the option for Use As Trade Symbol Only is checked, the last trade price box on the right side price scale, uses the data from the main Symbol setting of the chart. Since the Current Quote data for the chart will be for the specified Trade and Current Quote Symbol when the Use As Trade Symbol Only is not checked, in the case of a Historical Daily chart this will affect the last bar in the chart since the Current Quote data is added to the last bar in the chart.

Therefore, if the Trade and Current Quote Symbol has pricing which is significantly different compared to the main Symbol of the chart, then the last bar in a Historical Daily chart will be incorrect.

If the Use As Trade Symbol Only option is checked, then in the case of a Historical Daily chart the last bar in the chart will not be affected since the Current Quote data is for the main Symbol of the chart. When using this symbol for trading, the Tick Size that is used is the Tick Size set on the main symbol in the Chart Settings window.

Therefore, if this Real-time Price Multiplier should not be applied to the Current Quote data and it needs to be set at a value other than 1, then the only way to prevent this is to have the option for Use As Trade Only Symbol checked, otherwise there is no way to prevent it and the specified Trade and Current Quote Symbol cannot be used as a Trade Symbol.

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, time: 12:24

Chart Settings - Sierra Chart

explain forex trading account format and names in it

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